Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Vettayadu Vilayadu - My perceptions.....

If u dont mind chopped fingers, criss cross cuts over faces, decomposed bodies etc, then its worth a watch. Definitely not a family film, it has its share of obscenities as expected in a Gautam movie and a LOT of morbidity (I think it was a little overdone). Its definitely worth a watch one time in the halls if you not the kind who goes "oh gawd, what is all this....." and can c it as just a film. Agreed that psycopaths can be as cruel as one cannot even imagine but that's no reason to portray it in a film that reaches the masses in the name of reality.

Negatives : A little morbid. Has no spls from kamal hasan as he normally delivers in all films of his. So dont go expecting something different. Made in the same template as kakkha kakkha but is not as gud as that was, that film was just fast moving and there was not one dull momnt in KK but here there are some drags, next pt is abt that
Jyothika, for no fault of hers (she has done a decent job, no evident overacting business), is the biggest blunder of the film, she is in NO GOD FORSAKEN way connected to the film's so called story but she is there for a song and some emotional dialogues and polambals. She grossly slows down an other wise very fast and pacy film at exactly all the wrong places. These kind of subjects (intense, suspense psycho thrillers) need to be fast and need to finish off fast. Else one loses the intensity. The best speedbreaker who has ruined the film. Gautam could have done away with Kamalini mukherjee and used Jo in her role. It would have been more sensible.
Stunts and fight sequences are ultimate but look out of place coming from a huge mass of flesh. Even though he has made a lot attempt to hide his monstorous fleshy tummy and body in general he is no where near anbuchelvan's physique. Looks like a pumpkin in the song partha mudhal naale, kamalini looks like his daughter. Looks like he has been bit by the Rajini bug. Very ordinary music, but apart from Karka Karka (Kama intro song) the only other song that is even worth mentioning is the song with Jo in newyork. Forgot the starting lyrics.

Positives :Even with his 100 kg frame, Kamal haasan just steals the whole show with his awesome body language and the talent that he is known for : ACTING. The guy has just cruised through the whole episode so effortlessly as one would finish of their morning coffee. We could see Surya trying hard to be anbuchelvan in KK. He changed his body language, he toned his body, he treid to look impassive, he tried to pack so much expression into his eyes. All of this was pretty eveident and he had put in a lot of effort that showed, he was successful also and warrants credit for that but here is the difference between a new hardworker and a pro. But for the massive looks, given any day Raghavan as a DCP of chennai is better than Anbuchelvan. But I would still vote for anbuchelvan just for the looks, a policeman has to look trim not just fit, a heroine has to look pretty, a villian has to look strong and a beggar has to look pathetic. Stunts and fight sequences, a small correction from my earlier observation, kamal looks out of place in stunts but in fight sequences he is awesome. It is well taken. Newyork locations look better in this than in KANK or any karan johar or aaditya chopra movie.
Karka Karka is THE SONG OF THE YEAR, visuals are superbly edited, dont go late for the film, u will be sorry if u miss it. Ultimate editing, chanceless lyrics and the build up to the song ---- just unbeateable.
Jo is pretty and has not ruined it more by overacting. (Mind you when she is not overacting, she is good, the same kind of performance as she deliverd in KK). There is diff between the minus pt and plus pt that i have mentioned abt her. The minus is abt the character that has been given to her. Thats the mistake of the director and screenplay guy and is no fault of hers. the plus is abt jo herself.

Nice and fast pacy entertainer,the two villians have done a great job as psychos, and have managed to earn the dislike and anger of the ppl who watch the movie. Definitely warrant a mention.

Overall the film is a Gautam film and not a Kamal haasan film. So adjust your expectations accordingly.